Applications will proceed to interview stage once ALL documents have been submitted.

  • To avoid delay, please submit a complete pack (we are unable to process partial applications). 
  • Documents may be submitted to the College Reception or scanned and e-mailed to [email protected].
  • Pages 8-10 of the Application Form must be completed by hand, in ink. E-signatures will NOT be accepted.  
  • DO NOT submit original documents like birth certificates or passports (photocopies are accepted).
  • St Paul’s College will NOT accept responsibility for loss, damage or return of these documents.

Please click on the links below for important information. Please note: items 2–5 MUST be submitted to the College at time of application.

  1. Enrolment Policy
  2. Application Form
  3. Preference of Enrolment Certificate (NOTE: There is a new process for the 5.4 Criteria. Please see below for additional information on completing this new process as well as the Preference of Enrolment Certificate, in general.) 
  4. Lumino Dental Form
  5. Attendance Dues Agreement Form

For any queries, please contact our Enrolment Manager, Mrs Sarah Lindsay.

Information for Preference of Enrolment (from the Catholic Diocese of Auckland website)

Information Sheet
Preference of Enrolment Certificate
This form needs to be completed by one of the following agents of the Bishop:

  • Parish Priest of the Parish of Residence of the family
  • Assistant Priest of their Parish of Residence
  • Priests appointed under canon 517/1
  • Deacons and lay persons appointed to pastoral care under canon 517/2
  • Ethnic chaplains who liaise with parish priests or their delegate
  • Local committees appointed by the Bishop or by any of the above agents of the Bishop

Process for Criterion 5.4 Preference of Enrolment Applications
Supporting Evidence Form - Criterion 5.4 Preference of Enrolment Applications
Preference Appeal Form for Catholic Diocese of Auckland
Parents/Caregivers, or Principals making an appeal on behalf of parents/caregivers for preference status which has been declined by the Bishop's agent for the granting of preference are asked to complete the appeal form.