The expectation is that all St Paul's students play a musical instrument. For students 7 -10, music is a core curriculum subject, this becomes optional at years 11 -13.
Year 7-9 students are required to learn a brass or woodwind instrument. From Year 9, options include percussion, voice, or piano.
Brass: ----------
Itinerant Teacher: Mr Suli Hoponoa
Session Times: -----
Woodwind: Flute
Itinerant Teacher: Ms Jessey Brightwell
Session Times: -----
String: Guitar
Itinerant Teacher: Mr Damien H------
Session Times: ------
Percussion: Drums
Itinerant Teacher: Mr Stephen Cournane
Session Times: ------
Voice: Choir
Itinerant Teacher: ------
Session Times: ------
Please contact the Director of Music for more information