Pentecost is a reminder to us all that God is here present with us on earth working within us and amongst us; the Holy Spirit is within our midst. This wind and tongues, like fire, experienced by the Apostles is their first experience of the spirit. Their reaction to go out into the streets proclaiming and speaking to people of many languages and cultures show us today that through the spirit, we are all one in Christ and connected as God’s people no matter what language we speak or our cultural background. Through our Marist family spirit we live this out at St Paul’s College and through living in the spirit and treating everybody as a temple of the Holy Spirit, a temple of God, we all grow closer to him.
It has been a pleasure to welcome guest speakers into the college community to enrich our way of life. The Society of St Vincent de Paul visited to give a talk to the Young Vinnies team about food insecurity and the actions we can take as Catholic community to help others who are in need.
It was also a pleasure to listen to Amy-Jill Levine who provided talks for the wider community on Miracles and Parables. Her insights were certainly thought provoking and we are grateful to the Marist Brothers Trust Board for arranging them. Through all of our experiences, may we always be reminded we are part of a wider family, a family who we can support, a family we can learn from and a family we are one with through Jesus Christ.
Ki te wairua o whānaungatanga,
Kirstie Wearmouth