News From Your Library 27 September

It's been a very busy Term 3, with so many highlights including Olympic themed competitions, Book Week and Language Weeks, all celebrated in our library.

During Book Week we ran a competition for the Best Book Cover.

Congratulations to the winner of the best hand drawn book cover, Wayne Kalapa, and the best computer image book cover, Perekina Uaisimeni-Puepuemai (pictured above). 

The winning class of the Olympic Quiz Question Competition, which ran for four weeks from the beginning of the term, was 10ABG. The class completed the quiz with 67 correct answers, and were rewarded with a pizza lunch. Congratulations to Ms Bragg's English class.

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 Tane Keereweer-Taia created and ran a Te Reo Kahoot, for Te Wiki O Week, at lunchtime attended by dozens of students. Congratulations Xavier Lafaele on winning the competition. 

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The latest students to join The Wall of Fame, having all read 20 books this year, are below.

As C.S. Lewis, author of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe stated, 'We read to know we are not alone.'

We are very proud of our top readers and look forward to many others joining The Wall of Fame in Term 4.

  • Alfred Kautoke
  • Julius Etuale
  • Alex Ma’afu
  • Toby Strawbridge
  • Ronny Huakau
  • Junior Fiu
  • Mapili Kali
  • Joe Sisi
  • Timothy Gray
  • Mason Leavai
  • Nico Bentley
  • Seron Stanley
  • Laione Aulika
  • Ayden Figota
  • Lauchlan Paealiki

Kia hari nga hararei.

Happy holidays to all, Ms Washer.