Music News and Reminders
- A reminder to all music students that the key to success on your musical instrument is regular and disciplined practice at home. This is your homework for music. Parents - if you are not hearing your son practice at home, please ask why not!
- St Paul's Choir rehearses every Tuesday morning at 8am. If your son has signed up for choir, he is expected to be present at every rehearsal. If for any reason he will miss a rehearsal, please communicate this to the school.
- Confortare Per Mariam' - The Marist College & St Paul's College combined choir is in full swing and sounding fantastic and are preparing for The Big Sing in June. A reminder to all in this choir that commitment is essential. Keep an eye on your emails as there will be a few weekend and holiday workshop dates coming up.
Well done to Viliami Tupa'i who performed with confidence and professionalism during halftime at the All Stars Cricket event on 26th March. This enabled Viliami to gain valuable NCEA performance credits. I encourage all musicians to be open and available for opportunities to earn NCEA credits in authentic performance settings, such as this. Keep up the good work!
Ngā mihi nui
Glenn Stanbridge
Director of Music
E: [email protected]