#18: November 2024: Gratitude
#17: 8 November 2024: Calmness
#16: 25 October 2024: Prioritise
#15: 27 September 2024: Commitment
#14: 13 September 2024: Simplicity
#13: 30 August 2024: Be the Inspiration
#12: 16 August 2024: Living Life to the Fullest
#11: 2 August 2024: Endurance
#10: 5 July 2024: Reflect
#9: 21 June 2024: Success
#8: 7 June 2024: Celebration
#7: 24 May 2024: Happiness
#6: 10 May 2024: Accountability
#5: 12 April 2024: Gratefulness
#4: 22 March 2024: Serve
#3: 8 March 2024: Family Spirit- Whanaungatanga
#2: 23 February 2024: Season of Preparation
#1: 9 February 2024: Motivation


#19: 1 December 2023: Blessings
#18: 17 November 2023: Success
#17: 3 November 2023: Reminisce
#16: 20 October 2023: Calmness
#15: 22 September 2023: Accomplishment
#14: 8 September 2023: Dedication
#13: 25 August 2023: Limitless Possibilities
#12: 11 August 2023: Victory
#11: 28 July 2023: Endurance
#10: 30 June 2023: Remain Fearless
#9: 16 June 2023: Being Humble
#8: 2 June 2023: Persistence
#7: 19 May 2023: Belief
#6: 5 May 2023: Celebration
#5: 6 April 2023: Holiness
#4: 24 March 2023: Faith Renewed
#3: 10 March 2023: Generosity
#2: 23 February 2023: Celebration
#1: 10 February 2023: Goodness and Hope


#20: 2 December 2022: Thankfulness
#19: 18 November 2022: Farewell
#18: 4 November 2022: Fortitude
#17: 21 October 2022: Prioritise
#16: 23 September 2022: Unity Is Strength
#15: 9 September 2022: Together We Win
#14: 26 August 2022: Endurance
#13: 12 August 2022: Listen, Listen, Listen
#12: 29 July 2022: Persistence Pays
#11: 30 June 2022: Being Humble
#10: 17 June 2022: Celebrating a Legacy
#9: 3 June 2022: Prayer and Thanksgiving
#8: 20 May 2022: Community Spirit
#7: 6 May 2022: Determination and Success
#6: 14 April 2022: Faith and Courage
#5: 1 April 2022: The Journey
#4: 18 March 2022: Goodness and Acknowledgement
#3: 4 March 2022: Perseverance
#2: 18 February 2022: Participation, Prayer, Praise
#1: 4 February 2022: Renewed Hope


#20: 3 December 2021: Gratitude
#19: 19 November 2021: Presence
#18: 5 November 2021: Resilience - Rising to the Occasion
#17: 22 October 2021: Introduction From our New Headmaster, Keith Simento
#16: 1 October 2021: THE END…“Not with a bang but a whimper.” (T.S. Eliot)
#15: 17 September 2021: LIFE
#14: 3 September 2021: RC: RESILIENCE and COURAGE
#13: 23 August 2021: S.A.D.: Stressed, Anxious, Depressed?
#12: 6 August 2021: CHOICE: Do Our Children Have Too Much Choice?
#11: 9 July 2021: Remembering Our Values
#10: 25 June 2021: Doing My Best versus Doing Just Enough
#9: 11 June 2021: Old-fashioned Is in Fashion
#8: 28 May 2021: Bring What You Have
#7: 14 May 2021: Honouring Our Commitments
#6: 16 April 2021: GRATITUDE: An Acknowledgment of Goodness
#5: 1 April 2021: EASTER...The Reason for Our Christian Tradition
#4: 19 March 2021: FOOD...A SENSE OF OCCASION
#3: 5 March 2021: The 3 R's
#2: 19 February 2021: "BACK TO NORMAL"
#1: 5 February 2021: A ROUGH ENDING should be followed by a FRESH START.....!.


#25: 11 December 2020: "LAST WORDS...."
#24: 20 November 2020: "THE PAST.....THE FUTURE"
#23: 6 November 2020: "WINNERS....LOSERS?"
#22: 23 October 2020: "TOUCH, BIND, ENGAGE..."
#21: 25 September 2020: "The BUSINESS of BOYS...Our Future!"
#20: 11 September 2020: "Hope...!"
#19: 28 August 2020: "BACK into the SADDLE"
#18: 21 August 2020: "...WHO CAN WE BLAME"
#17: 14 August 2020: “..ORDER, DISORDER, REORDER..”
#16: 31 July 2020: "“It’s SUBTRACTION not ADDITION..”
#15: 3 July 2020: “ENROLMENTS for 2021...close Friday 28th August ”
#14: 26 June 2020: "# Alone, Together..."
#13: June 2020: "I can't breathe"... a few words that had such great effect on so many
#12: May 2020: "Hope" - “We need to learn how to garden in the dark”
#11: May 2020: Expectations - “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp” (Browning)
#10: May 2020: "Ready, Set, Go", It is true. We are out of the blocks!
#9: May 2020: "Coming Out"...of lockdown...
#8: May 2020: "Who to Believe?"
#7: April 2020: "In Praise of Parents... Essential People!"
Easter 2020: Newsletter Lockdown Edition
#6: April 2020: "BAD NEWS wrapped inside a PROTEIN"
Summary of Term 1 News, Confortare Quarterly T1 2020
#5: March 2020: "Help" - the Perfect Prayer
#4: March 2020: "Be not afraid" (Matt:17:2)
#3: February 2020: "THE MEAL" - a place for ALL
#2: February 2020: "LESSONS From a VIRUS"
#1: January 2020: "The END is the BEGINNING...the BEGINNING is the END" (TS Eliot)


Summary of Term 4 News: Confortare Quarterly T4 2019
#20: December 2019: "...It is finished." (Jn 19:20-30) Last Words for 2019
#19: November 2019: How well - or not - is the College going?...
#18: November 2019: "From boys to men..."
#17: October 2019: "Dream it", "Design it", "Make it", "Communicate it"
Summary of Term 3 News, Confortare Quarterly T3, 2019
#15: September 2019: "The Child at the Heart of the Matter"
#14: September 2019: SPORT: Participation or Competitive ..or both
#13: August 2019: WHO PUTS the CHAIRS AWAY?' The law of leadership!
#12: August 2019: 'Connection' The new buzz word
#11: August 2019: The BIG LIE..."Free, Compulsory and Secular"...
Summary of Term 2 News: Confortare Quarterly T2, 2019
#10: July 2019: "Playing the Long Game" (...have fought,...have finished and ...have kept the faith. [2:Tim])
#9: June 2019: "...THERE is NO MORE MONEY" (How did 'NO' come to mean 'YES'?)
#8: June 2019: Lawn Mowing Parenting: Is it necessary to remove all obstacles in life?
#7: May 2019: FLAKEY or FAITHFUL...What is commitment?
Summary of Term 1 News, Confortare Quarterly T1, 2019
#6: May 2019: CANNABIS....does not mix with learning
#5: April 2019: "Think like a MOUNTAIN..."
#4: March 2019: "Be the Change..." (Gandhi)
#3: March 2019: HOPE: The Future has a Name..."it is called HOPE." (Pope Francis)
#2: February 2019: FAILURE (or deferred success)
#1: February 2019: Welcome to St Paul's College 2019 - Headmaster's Message


Summary of Term 4 News: Confortare Quarterly T4, 2018
#20: December 2018: THE END: Gratitude & Community
#19: November 2018: College Prizegiving
#18: November 2018: FAREWELLS - an important RITUAL of any COMMUNITY
#17: October 2018: Leadership
Summary of Term 3 News: Confortare Quarterly T3, 2018
#16: September 2018: THE UNIVERSITY GRADUATES - where are the men?
#15: September 2018: FAILURE - obstacle or opportunity?
#14: August 2018: Enrolling the family
#13: August 2018: St Paul's College - a place of courage, a place of faith
#12: July 2018: Language: boys MUST control what come out!
#11: July 2018: St Paul's Men who READ - ACHIEVE
#10: June 2018: The Shortest Day
#9: June 2018: Community in the Making
#8: May 2018: ANOTHER SCHOOL SHOOTING - men out of the loop?
#7: May 2018: Be Not Afraid...
In Praise of Mothers & Sons
#6: April 2018: Important Dates - Term 2
#5: March 2018: "Easter is HERE - every day"
#4: March 2018: "If a river denies its source, it will soon go out of existence" (Br Marcel)
#3: March 2018: Community Events
#2: February 2018: Child Poverty
#1: January 2018: "The trickle down theory"


#20: December 2017: The Last Words
#19: December 2017: Upcoming Matters
#18: November 2017: Dates & Times for Term 4
#17: September 2017: "Having Skin in the Game"
#16: September 2017: Resilience & Courage
#15: September 2017: MUSIC - a measure of LIFE within a school
#14: August 2017: YOUNG MEN and PLAYING of SPORT
#13: August 2017: DELIVERING the MAIL(E)
#12: July 2017: A St Paul's man
#11: June 2017: Stability & the ADOLESCENT BOY
#10: June 2017: "Unless the Lord builds the House..." Psalm 127
#9: May 2017: Pornography & the ADOLESCENT BOY
#8: May 2017: Food and the ADOLESCENT BOY
#7: April 2017: The St Paul's Graduate
#6: April 2017: Building Boys into Men - personal organisation is important
#5: March 2017: Polyfest - School or Community event?
#4: March 2017: "Boys must be taught how to be men"
#3: February 2017: Community & Education
#2: February 2017: "February 7th 2017"
#1: February 2017: Welcome back for 2017


#16: December 2016: The final of 2016
#15: December 2016: Polyfest 2017 - Yes or NO, IOE pe LEAI, IO pe IKA'I
#14: November 2016: 2017 - Compulsory BYOD for all year levels
#13: September 2016: The end of Term 3 - green shoots and signs of hope
#12: September 2016: In PRAISE of FATHERS...'Bread, not stones"
#10: August 2016: "Disconnected"
#9: June 2016: "The Litmus Test"
#8: June 2016: "DON'T TALK about YOUR VALUES - SHOW ME your CHEQUE BUTTS"
#7: June 2016: "Boys must be TAUGHT how to be men"
#6: May 2016: HISTORY: Why should we be bothered with it? "We stand on the shoulders of those before us"
#5: April 2016: "SPORT in SCHOOLS: lessons I have learnt..."
#4: April 2016: "RECONCILIATION...a much needed value today..."
#3: March 2016: "So what has a College Dinner to do with education?"